Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Easter Egg Hunts

One of my favorite Easter traditions is the easter egg hunt. I went on a number of "official" egg hunts this season however, I like to improvide my own egg hunts. To do an egg hunt, someone (either Aidan, Mommy, Daddy, or Gammy) has to hide their eyes while another person scatters eggs around the house. Then it's time to open your eyes and go in seach of Easter eggs. When I'm the person hiding the easter eggs, I like to give hints to the person searching so it's not too hard to find the eggs. Some of my most creative hiding spots were putting eggs in Daddy's shoes and putting eggs in the faucet for my bathtub. These were extremely hard to find.

Of course, I like when things are turned around as well and I'm the person searching for the eggs that the other person has hidden. Easter egg hunts are fantastic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,

Sounds like you were having fun with those Easter eggs!

Spring has now come to northeastern Pennsylvania! We've been seeing some robins, and the crocuses and daffodils are blooming. Yesterday, I took a long walk while I was having my car inspected, finally getting to enjoy some beautiful weather.
