Tuesday, March 16, 2004


We've had a whole bunch of visitors come through our house over the last several days. Over the weekend, Aunt Holly and Uncle Ted came to visit. The brought me a present (bows!!!) that I like very much. It's a set of legos (duplos actually) that create an elephant, a giraffe, and, in honor of their Floridian roots, an alligator. I really love my legos. Uncle Ted and Aunt Holly are lots of fun to play with. Uncle Ted especially likes to roll around on the floor with me. The main difficulty is that with so many new people coming through, it was hard for me to keep track of their names, so, throughout their stay, I simply referred to them as "people." For instance, if Aunt Holly would come in the door with her shoes on, I'd suggest (strongly) "People shoes off." And so on.

The morning after they left, I woke up and said "Bye bye Aunt Holly." I finally figured out her name, but just a little too late.

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