Wednesday, June 19, 2002


I'm just back from my first vacation ever. I got to go to Hawaii (jealous, aren't you?) We spent many days on the white sand beaches there. While the sun was hot, I didn't get burned (or even tan) since I was snug in my little tent and shaded from the sun's rays. My Daddy would build the tent for me wherever we would go---even under difficult conditions when the tradewinds were blowing fiercely. One of the best things about the trip was that I got to use my not inconsiderable charms on all the people around me. As people would walk by, I would flash them my smile, crinkle up my nose, and stare at them with my blue eyes. Naturally, they were immediately taken with me. I got to meet a lot of people on the beach this way.

Hawaii is a land of many Japanese people. They seem to especially love me---perhaps because my big blue eyes cause me to resemble Japanese anime characters. Often, they would stop me as we were strolling down the street, touch my feet or my cheeks, and say adoringly in a high-pitched voice, "keiki," which is the Hawaiian word for baby.

We took a lot of pictures, which I'll post up to my website soon. Yawn. I'm tired from taking the redeye into California this AM. More on my first vacation tomorrow.

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