Friday, June 07, 2002


I'm going on my first real vacation with my parents, and it looks like it will be a good one. We're all going to Hawaii for 10(!) days. While this is good new for me, it's not so good for you guys because there will be no blog entries while I am gone, so I'm afraid this is the last one for a while. Since I have such sensitive skin, I'm not planning on working on my tan while in Hawaii. Instead, my parents have borrowed a small tent from a neighbor. During the sunny parts of the day, I will get to relax in the shade and comfort of my own little tent; thereby avoiding the sun's harmful rays. My Mommy also picked up a small plastic storage box that will serve both as a place to store my stuff on the trip over and back and as a tiny Aidan-sized swimming pool for me to splash about in while I sit on the beach. So I think we've got it all planned.

Yesterday, I had a fun treat. My Mommy took me into the bathroom and let me look into the big mirror there. Inside the mirror was another baby. He smiled and laughed when he saw me as did I. Then she turned me a little to the side. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of *another* baby near the medicine cabinet. He smiled at me and gave me a big laugh. I looked from side to side at all three of us babies. We all seem to like standing, we're all strikingly handsome, and we're all very friendly. I wonder how Mommy and Daddy find the time to give me all the attention when there are these other two charming little guys to look after.

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