Monday, November 14, 2005

Placed on Injured Reserve

A very unhappy thing happened to me about a week ago. In the course of playing football with Daddy, I suffered a broken leg. The doctors say I suffered a spiral fracture of the mid-to-distal shaft of the right tibia. Happily, it was a non-displaced fracture, so didn't have to have any surgery to fix it. I'm now wearing a big green cast all the way up to my thigh. My toes peek out of the cast however.

While it was very painful at the time, I'm starting to feel a lot better. Yesterday was a milestone---for the first time in a week, I got down on the floor to play with the Little People.

So what do you do when you have a hurt leg? One thing that I really like that Daddy figured out was to have "Tigertime Theater" productions of many fairy tale stories. He started out with a version of The Three Bears performed by three stuffed tigers and a curious giraffe. Daddy did lots of goofy voices and we both overacted a lot, so it was really fun. One thing I like to do is to start with the story the regular way and then change around what happens during the story. For instance, in one version of the story, the curious giraffe, caught sleeping in the baby tiger's bed, is too slow to awaken and escape and ends up getting eaten by the tigers, who think that giraffe goes very well with porridge.

We also played a version of Jack and the Beanstalk. My favorite part is the bit where the boy (Jack) goes off to sell the cow at the market but ends up trading it for magic beans. In my version, I like to be the boy, and we sell Nordy for magic beans. In one iteration, we instead cooked all the magic beans and ate them for dinner thus ending the story. I have to confess that I'm a little scared of the giant in this story (especially when he's played by an enormous stuffed bunny of mine who wears a pair of my old blue socks that I've outgrown.)

Anyway, I love these animal plays. They're especially good for guys with hurt legs.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aidan, You're adjusting remarkably well. I'm so happy. Daddy is a great friend to you as well as being your Daddy. He has a great imagination and you do too - and, of course, so does Mommy. Love, Auntie Max

Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,

I was so happy to talk to ou on Wednesday evening!I'm sure Tiger Time Theater is a lot of fun! One day, perhaps there can be guest appearances by Rudolph (the Red-Nosed Reindeer) and Gerhardt vonBunny singing "My Favorite Things," as only they can!

