Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Medical Update

This photo is me on Daddy's birthday. See my big, green cast and the cake I made for Daddy (with Mommy's help)? The "3" is for "thirty" and then I stuck in eight other candles to make "38."

In medical news, I saw the doctor yesterday. He wanted to take more X-rays to see how things were going. Initially, I thought this was a terrible idea since the last time I had X-rays (when I first hurt myself), they were no fun at all. I was very upset at the prospect. Happily, these X-rays did not hurt a bit.

The doctor asked me how I was doing, to which I replied

I hurt my tibia.

He was very impressed with my precise description of the problem.

After looking at the X-rays, the doctor said everything is progressing as it should and he wants to see me again in six more weeks. This was not what I wanted to hear since it now looks like I'll have the cast for eight weeks. Even more annoying, the doctor suggested that, at that time, he's likely to fit me with a "boot cast" for another four weeks after that.

On the plus side, I've discovered that I can move around a bit by myself by scooting on my behind along the floor. I can't go long distances this way, but it's a lot better than being stuck on the couch and always needing Mommy or Daddy transport services.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aidan, I was so glad to see your smiling face. It appears as though you put a lot of time and effort into baking Daddy's cake - and well worth it from the looks of the chocolate cake. Did you have to help Daddy blow out his candles? Enjoy the parades today and your Thanksgiving dinner. LOVE, Auntie Max

Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,

That is one big green cast you have! It's helping your bones to stay straight while they healed and strong.

I'm glad that you're able to get around a little bit though.
And that looks like a wonderful birthday cake that you and your Mommy made! I'll bet your Daddy was very pleased.

Since you won't be coming out to Pennsylvania until your leg is all better, I'm going to come out to California to visit you! I'll arrive the day after Christmas, because I also want to spend Christmas with Auntie Max.
