Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Following our Mother's Day brunch, we visited a couple of stores in the shopping place where the restaurant, the Blackhawk Grill, was. In one of these stores was a table with a large chess set on top of it. Daddy told me it was a game and suggested we play. We had a great time with chess, and I was even more delighted to discover that Daddy had a chess set at home too so we could play there. In the days following, we've played lots of chess. I especially like the pawns, which I like to call "boys" since, compared to the other chess men, they're boy-sized like me. One of my favorite versions of chess is to build a castle consisting of rooks at the four corners and pawns forming the walls of the castle. Daddy opens the doors and then calls for the type of piece that is allowed to go in.

"White knights can now enter!" he says.

I march the white knights up to the gate to gain entry. Sometimes, the chessmen are disobedient and the wrong guys try to enter. It seems that the bishops are the most unruly chessmen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,

I don't remember this, because I was very young, but I'm told that I used to put Pop-Pop's chessmen and my cat in a doll carriage and wheel them around the yard. Since the chessmen were poky and lumpy, the cat did not like this and would jump out, but I would put the cat back in anyway. (Pop-Pop was my father and your Daddy's grandfather.)
