Saturday, April 24, 2004

Wheel Day

This morning Mommy and I went to an event called "Wheel Day." It featured lots of cool wheeled vehicles for kids to look at and climb on. I yelled, "Oh boy!" when we got out of the car and saw all of the neat things. I first chose to get on the yellow school bus. I have a schoolbus toy and also know the "Wheels on the Bus" song, so it was really exciting to get on the bus! I chose a seat, sat down, and said, "Whee!" to encourage the bus to go, but unfortunately the bus did not move. I still had a good time though. I sat in the driver's seat and even beeped the horn! I also sat in the drivers' seat of a huge dump truck (I also beeped the horn on this one), a yellow loader (much like Bob the Builder's truck, Scoop), a fire engine, a camoflauge-colored army hummer, a police car (only the back seat of that one), and a little red European coupe that opens by flipping the whole front end up so you can climb in! (This last car, the BMW Isetta, was so cool that I'm inserting a link about it here.) All of these vehicles were visited multiple times by Mommy and me. I also got to push a button to make the siren go on a police bicycle! I ran into my friend, Chloe, and her family at Wheel Day too, and we enjoyed the Hummer and the fire engine together. Photos will be forthcoming.

Speaking of trucks, I had a great time on Wednesday watching a yellow backhoe loader and a dump truck work to get the ground ready for the new playground at the Lafayette Community Center. I watched the loader (also like Scoop) pick up dirt and pebbles across the parking lot, haul it to the playground site, dump it and then level it off. Several of my friends watched this too as we had all come out of Kindergym, but I was lucky because I convinced Mommy to stay the longest. We got to see a dump truck arrive and raise its dumper all the way up to dump out a huge new load of dirt and rocks! Wow! Oh boy! Then the Scoop truck went to work carting the dirt to the playground. I can't wait for the new playground to be finished, but the trucks make waiting easier!

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