Monday, January 15, 2007

Ice Skating

As you know, I first discovered the joys of ice skating in Washington, DC. Well, it turns out there is a seasonal ice rink in Walnut Creek too. Today is the last day it is open. Yesterday, was a suitably wintry day (it was unusually cold here---only about 40 degrees), so the whole three family took a trip to the rink. As first, I was pretty scared and clung tightly to the sides of the rink. After a while though, I got more sure of myself and eventually skated to the center of the rink. By the very end, I wasn't holding Mommy or Daddy's hand at all and kind of skating around a little bit myself.

Meanwhile, I've decided that Daddy is the fastest skater in the three family. He zoomed around the ice when not holding hands with Mommy and I. Mommy is second-fastest, though Daddy and I did manage to catch up to her near the end of the skating session. Mommy is a lot better at skating when she has boots that actually provide ankle support. Her first pair were kind of like sneakers and she couldn't skate on these at all. Ice skating is fun.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aidan, Well, you certainly had a very nice day ice skating; and how very well you did with just a short period of [training.] Bravo! Hope you get to go again soon, although you mentioned Sunday was the last day the rink would be available for skating. Love, Auntie Max

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! Your Uncle Dave worked at the ice rink at Penn State when he was a student there. I'll bet all of you, except Evan who is still a baby, would have fun ice-skating together!

Anonymous said...

Hockey skates would be best for Heather. Plenty of ankle support.