Monday, December 12, 2005

Romans v Barbarians

Yesterday, Daddy and I were watching football on TV when we noticed an ad for Capital One credit cards featuring out of work barbarians. I asked Daddy about the barbarians and noted that, at times, my table manners are likened to those of a barbarian. After some discussion of barbarians and what they liked to do, we invented a new game with Little People and blocks. First, we use the blocks to build a Roman city, which is inhabited by the Little People "Romans" and their livestock. At the front of the city is a Little People castle facade featuring a trebuchet for stopping attackers.

Next, Daddy rounded up a whole bunch of Little People "barbarians". These consist mainly of boy Little People wearing various hats (barbarians always wear hats). The barbarians also have an attack rhino in the lead. Finally, the barbarians slowly march toward the town with the intent of storming it. I, as one of the Romans, man the trebuchet and try to bowl down the barbarians to repel the attack. This is lots of fun. Some of the attacks succeed and some fail, but it's really exciting as the barbarians draw near. When they get really close they shout "ladders" and start scaling the wall. The attack rhino will often punch a gap in the wall through which the other barbarians can enter the town. Daddy said his barbarians were people called the Visigoths, who he said were particularly tough barbarians.

Grr-grr-grr go the barbarians.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,

Now, I'm going to have to look up the word "trebuchet".

Sounds like you're having a lot of fun!


Anonymous said...

Christmas cookies coming soon, Aidan! Watch for the mailman.
