Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Cassie's Rules

I like to be Cassie from Dragon Tales. Yesterday, we were playing were playing out one of my favorite Little People stories---Animal Farm. As usual, the animals had kicked all of the people out and were being led by Napoleon the Pig. However, all of the animals, and especially the dragons, were sick of Napoleon's rules, so I, Cassie, staged a coup and deposed the pigs from power. Now, it was time for me to make up my own rules. There were a lot of them, but here are some:

1. No animals should drive school buses.
2. No wandering around in the street.
3. No flying airplanes.
4. No crashing airplanes into the animals.
5. No people allowed. (This was one of Napoleon's rules that was retained from the ancien regime.)
6. No eating the other animals. (The lions didn't like this rule.)
7. No standing on the roof of the house (The birds didn't like this rule).
8. No trolleys allowed.
9. No flying helicopters.
10. No reading. (This was another one of Napoleon's rules that was retained from the ancien regime.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,
I really enjoyed visiting you and your Mommy and Daddy and playing with all of your toys and games.
See you soon, when you visit Pennsylvania!