Monday, July 18, 2005

A Day in San Francisco

Yesterday, I went to San Francisco on the Bart train with Daddy. When we first arrived, we went to the ferry terminal to look at the Bay Bridge and some boats. We checked out the ferry schedule but decided it was too windy for a ferry at that time of the morning. Here is a picture of our view from the ferry terminal.

Next, we started walking along the Embarcadero, passing a whole bunch of piers towards on the way to Fisherman's Wharf. It is a long walk, but Daddy and I have lots of energy. Plus, Daddy promised that we'd see all sorts of different boats along the way. After not too long, we came across the biggest boat I've ever seen---the cargo ship Lihue. It has a giant anchor too.

At the next set of piers, we came across a tug boat named Delta Deanna. I like tug boats a lot, and it was very exciting to see one in person. One of my favorite books I'm Mighty is all about a tug boat. I especially like the bumpers on the front and sides of the tug boat.

Finally, we came to Fisherman's Wharf. We saw a giant cruise ship in one of the piers. We also saw a Japanese navy training boat called the Nippon Maru as well. Nippon Maru has tall masts and lots of sails. We saw several of the sailors on the ship wandering around the docks.

Next, we went to the aquarium. I really liked riding on the conveyor belt to look at the tunnel of fishies. I especially liked the jellyfish and even made a jellyfish of my own in the little art center at the aquarium.

Can you tell which is the real jellyfish and which is the one I made?

We of course also got to ride the double-decker merry go round. I chose to ride in the "tippy chair" which was a lot of fun. After all this, I was quite tired. We rode the Muni train back.
The Muni train is a wooden train built in the mid 1920s in Milan. It was orange. Then we rode the BART back to Walnut Creek, and I took my nap.

After I got up, I made a scrapbook of all my adventures using construction paper and pictures that Daddy took along our journey. What a wonderful day.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aidan, Well you certainly had a very interesting day. Wow! All of those boats that you saw. Aidan, do you ever sail boats in your swimming pool? Somebody told me that you sail boats in your bathtub. When I was a little girl and didn’t have a swimming pool, I used to put on my bathing suit and spend many hot, summer afternoons in the bathtub. I set up a houseboat with doll furniture and little rubber dollies on the wire soap dish. My daddy dollies would go fishing and my mommy dollies would do the laundry [all in the bathtub.] However, I had to exit the tub when someone needed to use the bathroom facilities; a small price to pay. I actually basked in that activity yesterday. Just kidding!!! Guess what, when I was in New York City last week-end, from our cruise liner I could see the decks of the Intrepid. The Intrepid is an aircraft carrier that was used by the Navy in World War II. Anyway, I took a picture of it. And, somebody told me the Intrepid had a number of sister ships. Now, where are the brother ships? I don’t know. LOVE, AUNTIE MAX

Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,

What a nice day! This is a day you can remember forever and ever!

Missing you!
