Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Today started as a goofy day. Daddy normally goes off to Yahoo at dawn (5:55am to be precise) and Mom wakes me up for school. But none of that happened today. Daddy didn't go to Yahoo. He worked at home with appointments stretching from dawn to dusk instead (7am to 7pm to be precise) while Mommy didn't get up at all. Good thing I got up at 745.

Now normally 745 would be a fine time to wake up since school is at 920. But not on Wednesday. Weds is my early day, the day EVERYONE goes into school at 830. So we had to hurry up. I got dressed, gobbled down breakfast, and then was lucky enough that Daddy had a break in his schedule to take me to school.

But here's another problem. Daddy hates waiting in the long line of cars. He prefers to park about 7 minutes walk from outside of school and walk the rest of the way, avoiding the lines of traffic. I can understand this. I don't like being stuck in traffic either.

Fortunately, we made it with 3 minutes to spare.

Another wacky Wednesday.

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