Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chick Hicks

It was rainy at the worst possible time last week---right after I just got my new green bike. Fortunately, things cleared up by Sunday, so Daddy and I went out for a ride. He rode his scooter while I rode my bike. We went to the now slideless "slide park" to ride around.

An aside: The slide park used to contain a slide and other play equipment. Somehow, this equipment was not "up to code" and so was removed. What is left is a kind of playground rubble---a concrete rectangle full of sand and debris with no stuff in it and a mound of dirt where a wooden climbing thing used to be.

Back to our story. After riding around for a bit, Daddy proposed a race between bike and scooter. Eventually, we morphed into characters from the movie Cars. He was The King while I was Lightning. A little bit later, I observed that, since my bike was green, it made sense for me to be Chick Hicks. Now Chick is not a very likable character in the movie and normally I wouldn't want to be him, but somehow it made sense for me to be him this time. We raced a whole bunch of times. Sometimes The King would get a big lead and then decide to visit his sponsor's tent in the middle of the race. He would only realize his mistake when a blur (me) zipped past on the way to victory. Racing is really fun.

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