Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Tale of the Aidan and the Hare

As you know, I love stuffed animal fun stories. Today, I put a big wicker basket that normally holds stuffed animals on my back and became Aidan the Tortoise. With Mommy, I played big turtle (me) and little turtle (a stuffed one)and the "terrible, horrible" crocodile and other predatory animals. Little turtle joined me inside my shell since it was hard for him to pull his whole body inside his own (a mobility problem common in stuffed turtles). Later, Daddy and I played the story of the Aidan and the Hare. Here's how the story went:

Once upon a time in the Hundred Acre Wood, all the animals decided to have a race to sdee who was the fastest. It came down to the Tortoise (Aidan) versus the Hare (green bunny). Green bunny got off to a great start, but got distracted by a lap desk with pictures of dinosaurs on it. Soon the tortoise came into the lead. Quickly, the hare raced ahead, but became distracted by a particularly interesting light switch. Again, the tortoise roared ahead. The hare raced back and was in the lead heading to the finish line, which was located in the office. Unfortunately for the hare, he became distracted by the very interesting door knob. The tortoise plowed on without getting distracted and won the race. Hooray for the tortoise.

I even figured out the lesson here---sometimes if you want to succeed, you have to focus on the task at hand rather than becoming distracted. Interesting how the Daddy stuffed animal stories are often related to things that happen in my life as well as those of the stuffed animals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,

Talked to your Grammie yesterday, and we're all looking forward to seeing you and your Mom next week!

No, we can't promise snow, but there should be other things you'll enjoy!
