Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Lately, I've been obsessed with the Electric Company. Not the new show, which I don't especially like, but the old one from the 1970s. It's such a funny show where lots of silly things happen. I was interested in it a few years ago when Daddy bought it, but it's even better now that I can read everything.

Here's one of my favorite bits: The Adventures of Letter Man. In one episode, someone was playing a horn; however, the evil spellbinder changed the "h" in horn into a "c", turning the horn into corn. Now the person was playing corn! Letter man fixed the situation and said that the person had a good ear for music.

1 comment:

Mum said...

Excellent! My favorites were Silent E and Fargo North, Decoder.

I haven't seen the new Electric Company, but the new Sesame Street is pretty lame and dull. Your father and your Uncle Dave would have treated it with the same contempt they showed for the wimpy Captain Kangaroo.I understand that the boxed sets of the original Sesame Street episodes have some sort of warning label on them re: parental guidance! Good grief!

(Nainnie's Soapbox)