Sunday, March 04, 2007

Robot X Attacks!

Daddy and I continued with our Robot X adventures today. We rebuilt the antennae for the megawatt energy beam on our robot hats. Next, we created some paper "humanoids" to capture/destruction by the invading robots. Finally, we hid the humanoids around the yard and then took off on our rocket in search of them. This was a really fun version of hide and seek. First one of us would hide the humanoids and give the other "robot" clues as to where they are. Then the other "robot" hid the humanoids. In searching for the humanoids, you have to walk like a robot (the picture above is me in mid robot walk) as well as shout out our official robot saying,


The video below gives one of my most scary robot versions of this phrase. I've also posted a short photo album wth pictures from our adventures. You can find it here.

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