Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Old School Graphs

 Posted by Hello Mommy and Daddy (mostly Daddy) were watching the Republican Convention tonight. Since I did not find this amusing, I ran off to the office to get Daddy's math book. I opened it to look at some of the graphs then I got to work at my blackboard. While Mommy and Daddy were busy watching Zell Miller, I fashioned the graph you see above on the blackboard. This is my version of what Daddy calls a sine wave---I call it an "up-down one" [graph]. When Mommy first noticed and asked me what it was, I told her it was an up-down one. She quickly got Daddy to show him too. He was delighted. He told me,
You rock little dude!

As I danced on the couch. The photo above is actually me making some improvements to my up-down graph.

Later that evening, I made an official computer version of the up-down graph. Here it is:

 Posted by HelloDaddy says that for those who are interested, the formula for making this picture, which I typed in myself (Daddy told me what letters and numbers to press) is y = 4 sin x + 3 cos 3x.

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