Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today was the Pinewood Derby. This year, Mom pulled out all the science. She got a device to check things like the camber and width of the wheelbase. She got another device make sure the wheels were exactly circular. We hit the weight limit out to 4/100ths of an ounce. I helped too.

Well, all of that hard work paid off. My car came in second in the WHOLE PACK. I was first among the wolves, and I'm off to the Blackhawk 500---the big regional Pinewood race where Cub Scouts from as afar away as Sacramento come to compete. I can't wait.

Hooray for the Yoshi-mobile. And hooray for Mom!

1 comment:

Mum said...

Congratulations, Aidan! And Heather! That's a fine-looking racecar!