Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Math is Fun!

From Aidan's Weblog

While most of my homework is pretty boring, I really like math facts. I'm very quick at adding together even very large numbers. Last night, I stayed up late doing "bonus homework" with Dad. My real homework involved adding together "doubles" like 2+2 or 4+4.

For the bonus, Daddy decided to have me keep doubling the doubles. So I added 2+2, 4+4, 8+8, 16+16, 32+32, etc. We finally quit after I added together 2048+2048 (= 4096 by the way). Dad said that this sequence of numbers had a special name, 2^n, or the geometric sequence. It apparently gets big fast. Here is a crazy fact that Daddy told me: n^2/2^n = 0 as n gets arbitrarily large. How can two tings that both become infinite end up being zero?

Above is the picture of my whiteboard with many calculations.

I really like doing calculations. I know a bunch of tricks to add and subtract numbers. Some of my tricks are incomprehensible to Mom and Dad, but somehow still manage to produce the right answers. Daddy says that I do math intuitively, whatever that means.

1 comment:

Mum said...

Good work, Aidan!

