Monday, December 15, 2008

Kite Flying

A couple of weeks ago it was a very windy day. Daddy was hiking in the foothills and came home excitedly reporting that it was the best wind in a long time. So we packed the car with family and kites and headed up into the foothills. At first, the idea was to climb to the top of one of the hills to take advantage of the wind, but there was so much wind that it was excellent kite flying weather even at the bottom of the hills. We each had a kite. Mine was a ladybug, Mom's was a fish, and Dad's was a combination of Elmo and Cookie Monster.

It was an amazing day. I reeled out almost all of the thread for my kite. It was higher than the nearby mountain. Mom had good luck too. Her fishy flew nicely though not as high as my ladybug. Daddy was not so lucky. The Elmo/Cookie Monster kite was too wimpy for the wind. It got blown to smithereens not long after it got aloft in the strong wind. Kite flying is super fun!
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Here's a link to the kite flying photo album.

Kite Flying

And a slideshow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! That does look windy! Looks like fun!